You can also search for those tweets that include one or more words from a list of words. Here’s how you do this using the Advanced Search form:
1. In any Twitter search page, click the Advanced Search link. The Advanced Search page appears.
2. In the Any of These Words text box, type the list of words from which you want Twitter to find its matches. Remember that Twitter matches a tweet if it contains at least one of the words you enter.
3. Click Search. Twitter displays a list of tweets that contain one or more of the words you typed.
You can also perform the same search using the Search box directly. As a bonus, you also get to search for those tweets that include one or more phrases from a list of phrases. The operator to use is the word OR (which you must use with all uppercase letters), and you insert it between each word or phrase (with the latter enclosed in quotation marks). Figure 6.13 shows an example and the results it generated.
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