Twitter tips--Using a solid color background in Twitter
The simplest customization you can make to your design is to switch to a solid color background.Swirling patterns and striking photos have their place in the world of Twitter backgrounds, but some people find them distracting. Framing your Twitter home with an attractive color lays a solid foundation for your content, and focuses your reader’s attention on your posts.
Here are the steps you have to follow to switch to a solid color background:
1. Sign in to your Twitter account.
2. Click Settings. The Settings page appears.
3. Click the Design tab.
4. If you have a predefined Twitter theme applied, click Change background image, and then click Don’t use a background image.
5. Click Change design colors.
6. Click the Background swatch. Twitter displays two color controls, The outer circle controls the base color, and the inner square controls the amount of gray in the color.
7. Click a spot in the outer circle to set the base color. You can also drag the small circle to set the base. When you make your choice, Twitter temporarily changes the background color so you can see the results.
8. Click a spot in the inner square to set the gray component color. You can also drag the small circle to set the grayness. Again, Twitter temporarily changes the background color so you can see the results.
9. Click Save Changes. Twitter updates your profile with the new background color.
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