TRICK-- Add your Facebook friends list to LinkedIn?

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Thank you for the question. Well it’s not possible to import your Facebook friends to 
LinkedIn straight away as of now. Instead we will have to do it by using Yahoo. If u don’t own 
a Yahoo ID , create one and then follow these ----steps.

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-Log into Yahoo with your ID and go to the contacts tab.

--Hit on import contacts option and authorize access to your Facebook account.

--Importing contacts from Facebook will take sometime. Wait for it to get completed.

--Now Log into your LinkedIn account and hit on the Add Connections button present at the top 
right corner of the home page.

--The subsequent page will prompt you to enter any email address from which you intend to import contacts. Enter your Yahoo account information there.

--Authorize access to Yahoo account and wait for the contacts to get imported.

--LinkedIn has this cool feature of classifying the imported contacts into two i.e people who 
already have LinkedIn accounts and those who don’t have one.

--The first step enables you to connect with those contacts who are already on LinkedIn. You just have to select them and click on the Add Connections button which will be present below.

--The next step allows you to invite the rest of your Facebook friends those who don’t use LinkedIn. To do so, select the contacts which you want and hit on the Invite Connections button.

That’s it. All done. You can find that invitations have been sent  to all those contacts which you 

"TRICK-- Add your Facebook friends list to   LinkedIn?"
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