You can also recategorize applets and put them in any category you want. For example, by default, the Mouse Properties applet can be found in the Printers and Other Hardware category, but if you prefer that it instead be found in Accessibility Options, you can move it there.
To put an applet into any category you want, you need two pieces of information: the filename of the applet (for example, main.cpl for the Mouse Properties dialog box), and the Registry value for each Control Panel category (for example, 0x00000007 (7) for Accessibility Options.
To recategorize a Control Panel applet, run the Registry Editor and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Control
Panel\Extended Properties\{305CA226-D286-468e-B848-2B2E8E697B74}
2. The key {305CA226-D286-468e-B848-2B2E8E697B74}2 is the container that holds all
Control Panel categories.
Now find the Registry key of the applet you want to recategorize. The filename of the applet will appear on the end of the key; for example, %SystemRoot%\system32\main.cpl is the Mouse Properties dialog box. Change the key's DWORD value to the value of the Control Panel category into which you want the applet to appear. For example, if you want the applet to appear in the Performance and Maintenance category, give it a value of 5. The value will then be displayed in the Registry as 0x00000005(5).
When you're done, exit the Registry. The applet will now appear in the new category.
"Windows XP Tips: Recategorize Control Panel Applets"
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