Windows 7 Tips: Display Multiple Clocks in System Tray

Many users need to keep track of time in multiple time zones, there's a nice feature in Windows 7 to help users keep track of time in Multiple Time zones. The feature is multiple clocks in your system tray. This feature can display up to 3 clocks in your taskbar from 3 different Time Zones.

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Click on the Clock in System tray  Next, click on the „Change date and time settings' to open Date and Time 

Click on the tab for Additional Clocks.

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Here you can add up to two additional clocks .Enter time Zone and Clock Display name. 

Check the „Show this clock' box to enable the clock.  

Click OK.

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Hover over the clock and it would show you Time in text for all 3 Time Zones (including the one your Local one). 

"Windows 7 Tips:  Display Multiple Clocks in System Tray"

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