Facebook Tips: Friends Only-A Quick Universal Setting

Overwhelmed  already? Well, if you don’t w ant to spend a lot of time messing around with settings, the "Friend’s Only" option is a great first step.Make this change and only people you’v e allowed to see your 
profile will be able to do so.

 Browse to  Account > Privacy Settings , then click on "friends only" on the left hand side follow ed by "apply these settings".

Facebook Tips: Friends Only-A Quick Universal   Setting

This is the quickest and easiest w ay to protect your basic privacy needs on Facebook.There are many other important security features and privacy concerns to note, but this is decent, quick solution.

On the other hand, you can’t necessarily trust your friends to not share information.Always be careful about w hat you write online.

"Facebook Tips: Friends Only-A Quick Universal Setting"

References: netsavoir.com