Not much control here: it’s either "Your Friends" or no one. Go to Account > Privacy Settings and choose "Customise Settings".
Then look for "things others share" and make adjustments as you see fit.
Control who can comment on posts
You can control exactly w ho is able to comment about your status updates and other people's w all comments. I t's possible to mark these as "friends only", but w hen you hav e multiple circles of friends on Facebook that sometimes isn't enough. What if your boss sees something one of your high school friends wrote? Or your grandma sees something one of your football friends w rote?
Not all things can be customised, but you can make an effort to minimise potential risk by using friend lists. For instance, w e can change w ho can "comment on posts" by customising the
We can then choose the specific people who can comment on posts, and specific people w ho cannot.
So, in order to keep things in order, w e limit who can comment to just people w e trust.
A setup like this should prev ent a lot of surprise comments.
"Facebook Tips: Controlling who can write on your wall Control who can comment on posts"
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