Facebook Tips: Fundamental Privacy Controls

Setting up Facebook can be confusing, especially if you don’t know what’s going on. For example, you’ll be asked if you w ant to search your IM and email contacts: 

Facebook Tips: Fundamental Privacy Controls

Before you enter anything, be aw are: Facebook will remember all your contacts and use that information to suggest connections. Also, Facebook doesn't make you enter your password in order to upload your contacts. I t w ill find contacts from whichever account you're logged in to, regardless of which email address you enter in to Facebook.Sneaky, huh?

Facebook Tips: Fundamental Privacy Controls

The first page is a list of contacts found in your w ebmail account that are already on Facebook. I t's worth looking through the list carefully, rather than clicking-select all", since it w ill also find people w ho you don't really know   but email from time to time. 

The next page is ev eryone else in your address book. De-select everyone RIGHT NOW.This w ill send a friend request from you to everyone you've ever emailed from that webmail account: ex-boyfriends, old co-workers, teachers, administration staff, tech support, mailing lists...everyone. There may be a few people you want to invite,but de-select everyone first!  

Facebook Tips: Fundamental Privacy Controls

"Facebook Tips: Fundamental Privacy Controls"

References: netsavoir.com