Facebook Tips: Privacy of basic updates

When a Facebook user posts and updates, it show s up in the new s feeds of friends. It also goes on the user’s w all, meaning visitors to their profile can see recent activity. Depending on the privacy levels chosen, an update can also be show n to friends of friends or beyond (ie,on netw orks and community pages.)

Tagging a person, using status updates, notes tagging, photo tagging or video tagging, w ill also make that update appear in that person's profile and in the new s feeds of their friends. When you tag an event, group or page, not only w ill your friends see this on your w all and in their new s feed: the update w ill show up on the w all of the relevant event, group or page and the new s feeds  of people following that group, ev ent or 
page. Your priv acy settings can offset this.

For example, the follow ing exchange was one I saw in my home feed. I knew the girl listed at the top as commenting on the status. I don't know the person who wrote the original status or any of the people w ho w rote the other comments. 

Because this person's status update w as somewhat public, Facebook shared that with people like me: a friend of his friend.This post w as obviously popular,so the Facebook new s feed deemed this to be an important update. When updating your status, keep in mind your privacy settings and the possibilities of 
who might see it. 

Facebook Tips: Privacy of basic updates

Deleting a Status Update

To delete a status update,go to your wall (on your profile). Hover on the right hand side of the update and you w ill see a remove button.Click that and confirm the delete.

Facebook Tips: Privacy of basic updates

When you delete it, the update is remov ed from your wall, your friends' news feeds and from the "current status" display at the top of your profile.There's a similar function, which is a little confusing to new people: the "clear" link which sits next to the "current status" display.

Facebook Tips: Privacy of basic updates

"Clear" w on't remove the update from your w all or news feed; it just clears the "current status".

Facebook Tips: Privacy of basic updates

"Facebook Tips: Privacy of basic updates"

References: netsavoir.com