Twitter Tips: Getting your Twitter account ranking

When a site turns up near the top of a Google search, that site is said to have lots of Googlejuice . So if your Twitter account is getting lots of buzz (followers, retweets, shoutouts, whatever), then I guess you could say that it’s got lots of  Twitterjuice .

How would you know for sure, though? You could just go with what your gut tells you, but if you want something a bit less subjective, then I suggest you check out any of the following sites, which can tell you where you stand in the overall

Twitter scheme of things:

1: TwinFluence  ( This site offers several interesting statistics that aim to measure your influence within the Twitterverse (see figure 9.17). The top number is your overall influence rank and its percentile. Besides basic friends and followers numbers, you also get stats for your second-order followers (the total number of people your followers follow).

Velocity (the rate at which your account is accumulating second-order followers); social capital (the average number of followers that your followers have); and centralization (a measure of how much of your total number of second-order followers is dependent on a few people with high followerships). There’s lots of good math meat here if you have a taste for that kind of thing.

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1: Twitalyzer  ( This site analyzes your overall influence in Twitter circles using five measures: signal-to-noise ratio (where signal  refers to tweets that pass on information such as links and retweets, and noise refers to everything else); generosity (how often you retweet); velocity (the relative rate at which you post tweets); and clout (the relative rate at which other people reference your account in their tweets).
2: TwitterCounter  ( This site shows your total number of followers and a graph of your followership growth over the past week. It also calculates the number of new followers you get per day and predicts how many you’ll have in 30 days.
3: Twitter Grader ( This site delves deep into your Twitter data to provide you with an overall number that’s supposed to show where you rank against all other Twitter users. The site offers no clue as to how this rank is calculated, so take the results with one or two grains of salt.

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