Twhirl’s interface is a simple one-thing-at-a-time affair that lets you focus on one aspect of your Twitter life.
"Twitter Tips: Navigating twhirl "
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The friend timeline from your Twitter home page is the default view twhirl calls this a panel, but twhirl actually
has eight panels in total, and you navigate among them by clicking the icons at the bottom of the window. Here’s a summary.
1: Toggle input panel. Click this (it’s the speech bubble icon) to hide or show the input.
2: panel. (This applies to all the views, so this option isn’t a separate view per se.).
3: Home. Click this to see your friend timeline.
4: Replies. Click this (it’s the @ icon) to see the replies sent to you.
5: Directs. Click this (it’s the envelope icon) to see the direct messages sent to you.
6:Archive. Click this (it’s the folder icon) to see the tweets you’ve sent.
7:Favorites. Click this (it’s the heart icon) to see the tweets you’ve marked as faves.
8: Friends/Followers. Click this (it’s the people icon) to see two lists: one for your friends and one for your
9: Lookup. Click this (it’s the person with a question mark icon) to look up a tweeter’s profile. In the text box that appears, type the username and then press Enter or Return. twhirl displays the
user’s profile data and his or her recent tweets, as shown in figure 8.12.
10: Search. Click this (it’s the magnifying glass icon) to run a Twitter search. Use the text box to type your
search query, including any of the standard Twitter search operators.
Twhirl also offers some useful keyboard shortcuts for navigating the window, which I’ve summarized in Table 8.1.
Keyboard Shortcuts for Navigating twhirl :-
Ctrl+Left arrow Move to next panel to the left Ctrl+Right arrowMove to next panel to the right
T or F1 Display the Home panel
R or F2 Display the Replies panel
A or F3 Display the Archive panel
D or F4 Display the Directs panel
S or F5 Display the Favorites panel
F or F6 Display the Friends/Followers panel
L or F7 Display the Lookup panel
Y or F8 Display the Search panel
U or F12 Display the input panel and move the cursor inside the panel
M Open the Accounts window O Open the configuration window
"Twitter Tips: Navigating twhirl "
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