Twitter Tips: Using TwitPic

The gold standard in photo sharing for Twitter is TwitPic (, which is by far the most popular photo sharing service for tweeters. This is partly because almost every Twitter application that comes with some sort of “Share a photo” feature uses TwitPic to handle the dirty work of uploading the photo and shortening the URL. However, the TwitPic site itself is really easy to use, and you can even use TwitPic to upload photos by e-mail (from your camera phone, for example).

Here’s the procedure to follow to upload a photo and post a tweet using the TwitPic site:

1.  Navigate to and type your Twitter account username and password. Your TwitPic home page appears. The photos you post will appear here.

2.  Click Upload photo.  The Upload and post a photo page appears.

3.  Click Browse.  (If you’re using a Mac, click Choose File.) The Choose File to Upload dialog box appears.

4.  Choose the photo you want to upload and then click Open (or click Choose on your Mac).

5.  Type a message to go along with your photo, as shown in figure 9.3.

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6.  Click Upload.  TwitPic uploads the photo, shortens the photo’s URL, and then posts that address and your message as a tweet (see figure 9.4).

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"Twitter Tips: Using TwitPic "

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