TwitPic may be the Big Kahuna of Twitter photo-sharing services, but it’s not the only game in that particular town. Here are a few others to check out:
1: Mobypicture ( This service lets you share photos not only with Twitter, but with a wide variety of sites, including Facebook, Flickr, Jaiku, and blogging platforms such as WordPress and Blogger. For these other sites you have to create a Mobypicture account, but for Twitter, you don’t need to create a new account (unless you want to, of course); instead, you log in using your Twitter credentials. You can then upload your photos using the Web site, via e-mail, MMS(multimedia messaging service), or the Mobypicture iPhone app.
2: Pikchur ( This site also supports a wide variety of sites, including Facebook, FriendFeed,, tumblr, and many more. On the login page, be sure to choose Twitter from the list, and then type your Twitter account credentials. Once you’re in, you can upload via the Web site or set up an e-mail address to post from your phone using e-mail or MMS.
3: SnapTweet ( If you have a Flickr ( account, you can use SnapTweet to post tweets that link to your Flickr photos. Sign in to SnapTweet using your Twitter account username and password, along with your Flickr address. You’ll see your latest Flickr photo, and you can start uploading.
4: Visual Twitter ( This service lets you post photo tweets via e-mail using your mobile phone. Log in using your Twitter account credentials, click Setup, and then enter your mobile phone number. Once your phone number is confirmed, you can send photo tweets by e-mailing a photo to
5: yfrog ( This site presents a simple interface (see figure 9.5) that lets you upload either a local photo or a photo on the Web. Type a message, enter your Twitter username and password, and then click Post it! to send the tweet. One of the nice features of yfrog is that when people click the link to load your photo, the yfrog page include a (Re)Tweet this image link that enables tweeters to easily retweet
your photo. The yfrog site is also optimized for the iPhone, and pointing mobile Safari to displays the interface shown in figure 9.6.
"Twitter Tips: Other photo sharing services"
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